Sisters from Ghana write Kids Books

Naa Oyoo fictionalized a story about one of Ghana’s beloved dishes. Her sister Maame Efua Okine did the illustrations. Together they created a Ghanaian book for children, The Kenkey Party.
Bereket Lulseged

Bereket Lulseged Bereket Lulseged is the author of Muna & Abebe, a fun and adventurous children’s book about the exceptional friendship between 10-year old Muna and the legendary Ethiopian athlete Abebe Bikila. It’s the first book written by Bereket Lulseged. Inspirational Ethiopian stories During her studies, a friend painfully noted there aren’t any storybooks available that highlight inspirational storybooks highlighting the lives of inspirational Ethiopians for her son. Her friend wanted her son to learn positive things about his country and be proud of his background. Bereket decided to focus on the legendary Abebe Bikila for her first storybook....
Hanna Ali

Cecile Kayirebwa

'Little bird of Buganza, be quite. I will rub you with perfume. The time to hate you is as far as the moon. The time to love you so close’ So sings the queen of Rwandan music, Cécile Kayirebwa. Buganza is a beautiful hilly region in North Eastern Rwanda, where Cécile worked as a social worker in the 1960s. It was there that she formed a choir to interpret traditional Rwandan songs and preserve a musical culture that was fast evaporating. Cecile's impact on Rwanda Cécile Kayirebwa large body of work has had a considerable impact and influence...
Reesom Haile

Reesom Haile "Dr. Reesom Haile was some kind of magic realism, somehow larger than life. So much so that even 17 years after he passed away I still get big smiles and bear hugs from strangers in D.C, Brixton, Matonge and beyond when they find out that I'm 'Gual Reesom!' The simplicity and humour with which he wrote his poems still resonates with so many, uplifting and inspiring Eritreans of all ages and backgrounds. For me, my father represented love, freedom, joy and creativity. He loved his people, his language and his country hard. I hope to revive his poetry so...