Get to know Bereket

Our friends at Ethio Beauty caught up with writer Bereket Lulseged to talk about her latest children's book, Muna & Abebe.

In the interview, Bereket discusses what inspired her to write the book and who her favorite author is.

But she also shared why she focused on legendary runner Abebe Bikila, saying:

"Growing up, I knew he has won many marathons and that he was an inspiration for many runners that came after him such as Haile Gebreselassie but had no idea about the car accident and the debilitating effects of it."
"After he became paralyzed from the waist down because of the car accident, his spirit was still indomitable and he took up archery and sledge dog racing. So I really wanted to communicate in the story that not only was he an exceptional athlete and opened many doors for runners all over the world, but he was also an exceptional human being with an incredible determination to excel despite great challenges."


Cover Muna & Abebe



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